Open The FLOODGATES Of Leads, Sales Meetings, Revenue and Profits

... and turn every $1,000 spent on Ads into $5,000 ... $8,000 ... or even $15,000 using my "superior" Facebook Ads Model that targets rich customers .

Open The FLOODGATES Of Leads, Sales Meetings, Revenue and Profits

... and turn every $1,000 spent on Ads into $5,000... $8,000... or even $15,000 using my "superior" Facebook Ads Model that targets rich customers.

Location: From a dimly lit whiskey lounge in Dubai

Dear reader,

This is for you if you want to use Facebook Ads to quickly acquire more clients and make a lot of money.

What I will show you is 4-5 powerful steps that have helped me generate $50M in 3 years… All of it ONLY using Facebook Ads.

However, Facebook does not work for everybody. You have to know exactly what to do, if you want to make money from Facebook.

Experienced media buyers, A-list copywriters, and formally trained direct response marketers are usually people who make the most money and profit from FB… (and the people that hire them).

For the rest of you, Facebook will be a money drain…

You can lose thousands and thousands of dollars in such a short span of time, that you’d possibly give up on running ads for good.

Unless, you take the EXACT 4-5 steps that I will show you… that will quite literally help you open the floodgates of new leads, sales meetings, revenue and profits (and a few million dollars..)

Just like Tyler S, from Pennsylvania. Tyler was running FB Lead ads for his home & bath remodeling company. The leads were really bad, they wouldn’t convert, they were low quality leads that were borderline “bots”. As soon as I taught Tyler the powerful steps to take on Facebook, his revenue jumped to $3M/per month within 90 days. Yes, that's $3,000,000 per month. His cost of marketing shrunk by 40%… that means leads were coming in at 40% less, and his net profit tripled.

Or Arash A. From Toronto. A mortgage broker based in Ontario, Arash tried running FB Ads himself. He tried to follow some tutorials on YouTube but needless to say, he didn’t get any results. Arash and I met on Reddit, and he decided to learn these powerful strategies from me that were making my clients millions of dollars. He took the plunge, got on a call with me, and I showed him EXACTLY how I do things step-by-step. Within just a few short months he went from making 5k as a broker to over $20,000 per month in commissions. That’s 6-figures in commissions from Facebook Ads.

Then there’s Andrew B. Software consultant from London. Andrew spent over $50k on ads and saw no results. He basically wasted 50 thousand dollars on multiple agencies trying to run YouTube, Google & LinkedIn Ads. All he got was an extremely fat marketing bill, zero leads, and zero customers. By the time Andrew met me, he was 50k in the hole, but he wanted to give his consultancy one-last-shot. I deployed the SAME 4-5 steps inside his business, and within 60 days Andrew was making $200,000/per month. His biggest client was a Billionaire. ALL of this using ONLY Facebook Ads. Imagine meeting a Billionaire via your Facebook Ad campaign? That's a billionaire… with a B!

Dear reader,

This is for you if you want to use Facebook Ads to quickly acquire more clients and make a lot of money.

What I will show you is 4-5 powerful steps that have helped me generate $50M in 3 years

All of it ONLY using Facebook Ads.

However, Facebook does not work for everybody. You have to know exactly what to do, if you want to make money from Facebook.

Experienced media buyers, A-list copywriters, and formally trained direct response marketers are usually people who make the most money and profit from FB… (and the people that hire them).

For the rest of you, Facebook will be a money drain…

You can lose thousands and thousands of dollars in such a short span of time, that you’d possibly give up on running ads for good.

Unless, you take the EXACT 4-5 steps that I will show you…

That will quite literally help you open the floodgates of new leads, sales meetings, revenue and profits (and a few million dollars..)

Just like Tyler S, from Pennsylvania. Tyler was running FB Lead ads for his home & bath remodeling company. The leads were really bad, they wouldn’t convert, they were low quality leads that were borderline “bots”. As soon as I taught Tyler the powerful steps to take on Facebook, his revenue jumped to $3M/per month within 90 days. Yes, that's $3,000,000 per month. His cost of marketing shrunk by 40%… that means leads were coming in at 40% less, and his net profit tripled.

Or Arash A. From Toronto. A mortgage broker based in Ontario, Arash tried running FB Ads himself. He tried to follow some tutorials on YouTube but needless to say, he didn’t get any results. Arash and I met on Reddit, and he decided to learn these powerful strategies from me that were making my clients millions of dollars. He took the plunge, got on a call with me, and I showed him EXACTLY how I do things step-by-step. Within just a few short months he went from making 5k as a broker to over $20,000 per month in commissions. That’s 6-figures in commissions from Facebook Ads.

Then there’s Andrew B. Software consultant from London. Andrew spent over $50k on ads and saw no results. He basically wasted 50 thousand dollars on multiple agencies trying to run YouTube, Google & LinkedIn Ads. All he got was an extremely fat marketing bill, zero leads, and zero customers. By the time Andrew met me, he was 50k in the hole, but he wanted to give his consultancy one-last-shot. I deployed the SAME 4-5 steps inside his business, and

within 60 days Andrew was making $200,000/per month.

His biggest client was a Billionaire. ALL of this using ONLY Facebook Ads. Imagine meeting a Billionaire via your Facebook Ad campaign? That's a billionaire… with a B!

That’s how POWERFUL these simple 4-5 steps are.

I’ve absolutely perfected this method that I first created in 2019.

And I’ve left industry leaders “shocked” at how brilliantly these steps work. When you take these steps there’s no way you can fail…

But what’s really amazing about this method is that, despite all the changes and updates in the algorithm - it still works!

Since 2019 there have been multiple updates on Facebook..

There have been Apple’s privacy policy updates, Facebook has been removing interests by the thousands! There have been a plethora of issues…


I’ve been crushing it! My clients have been crushing it and have never been happier.

It’s fair to say… that these powerful 4-5 steps that I will show you, have stood the test of time!

Like I said, most of you will fail, because you need to know EXACTLY what to do. And this information CANNOT be found on YouTube.

This is high-level information that you need to pay top-dollar for… but in the grand scheme of things, it’s worth paying for this knowledge because it will save you YEARS of trial & error.

Check this out…

Andrew’s results:

Remember I just mentioned Andrew who met a Billionaire through his FB campaign, and grew his business to $200,000/per month within just 60 days of using my 4-5 steps?

Here’s a sneak peek into his Ad account.

That’s 91 sales meetings in 45 days. ALL meetings are with B2B decision makers of mid-sized companies doing between $10M-$50M.

Cost per appointment is only $80 to talk to the decision maker.

Also, Andrew is selling an ultra-high-ticket offer at $20k per client. So he just needed 10 clients to close $200,000/month.

Let me show you another example…

Arash’s results:

You see, I told you how Arash, a Canadian mortgage broker scaled to $20,000 per month in commissions from private lending deals.

Here’s a look at his Ad Account.

That’s almost 600 leads and about 400 appointments in under 1 year. And it cost him ONLY $31 per sales meeting.

When you have a sales machine that practically prints appointments on your calendar like this, you see how easy it is to make 6-7 figures?

Arash worked very hard on his sales calls, and he got up to making $20,000 per month in commissions from mortgage deals.

Let’s look at one more…

Tyler’s results:

Making $3M/per month from Facebook Ads is NO JOKE! Yet this case study should show you that it is possible!

If you have a big sales team across the country, and you want to feed your entire sales team with opportunities from Facebook Ads..

Then have a look at these results…

This is how we’re producing $3,000,000 per month in net revenue for a Bath & Home remodeling company from Facebook Ads ALONE!

Leads are coming in @ $162 per lead on our TOP campaign and I’ve spent about $1.3M just in 30 days to produce almost 4,000 leads.

Keep in mind this is a “high-ticket” bathroom & home remodeling offer which starts from $15,000+

… and we’re targeting wealthy homeowners, so this cost is not only justified, but is actually considered quite reasonable for inbound leads.

I’ve only ran Facebook Ads to produce this volume… So now can you see what is really possible?

That’s how POWERFUL these simple 4-5 steps are.

I’ve absolutely perfected this method that I first created in 2019.

And I’ve left industry leaders “shocked” at how brilliantly these steps work. When you take these steps there’s no way you can fail…

But what’s really amazing about this method is that, despite all the changes and updates in the algorithm - it still works!

Since 2019 there have been multiple updates on Facebook..

There have been Apple’s privacy policy updates, Facebook has been removing interests by the thousands! There have been a plethora of issues…


I’ve been crushing it! My clients have been crushing it and have never been happier.

It’s fair to say… that these powerful 4-5 steps that I will show you, have stood the test of time!

Like I said, most of you will fail, because you need to know EXACTLY what to do. And this information CANNOT be found on YouTube.

This is high-level information that you need to pay top-dollar for… but in the grand scheme of things, it’s worth paying for this knowledge because it will save you YEARS of trial & error.

Check this out…

Andrew’s results:

Remember I just mentioned Andrew who met a Billionaire through his FB campaign, and grew his business to $200,000/per month within just 60 days of using my 4-5 steps?

Here’s a sneak peek into his Ad account.

That’s 91 sales meetings in 45 days. ALL meetings are with B2B decision makers of mid-sized companies doing between $10M-$50M.

Cost per appointment is only $80 to talk to the decision maker.

Also, Andrew is selling an ultra-high-ticket offer at $20k per client. So he just needed 10 clients to close $200,000/month.

Let me show you another example…

Arash’s results:

You see, I told you how Arash, a Canadian mortgage broker scaled to $20,000 per month in commissions from private lending deals.

Here’s a look at his Ad Account.

That’s almost 600 leads and about 400 appointments in under 1 year. And it cost him ONLY $31 per sales meeting.

When you have a sales machine that practically prints appointments on your calendar like this, you see how easy it is to make 6-7 figures?

Arash worked very hard on his sales calls, and he got up to making $20,000 per month in commissions from mortgage deals.

Let’s look at one more…

Tyler’s results:

Making $3M/per month from Facebook Ads is NO JOKE! Yet this case study should show you that it is possible!

If you have a big sales team across the country, and you want to feed your entire sales team with opportunities from Facebook Ads..

Then have a look at these results…

This is how we’re producing $3,000,000 per month in net revenue for a Bath & Home remodeling company from Facebook Ads ALONE!

Leads are coming in @ $162 per lead on our TOP campaign and I’ve spent about $1.3M just in 30 days to produce almost 4,000 leads.

Keep in mind this is a “high-ticket” bathroom & home remodeling offer which starts from $15,000+

… and we’re targeting wealthy homeowners, so this cost is not only justified, but is actually considered quite reasonable for inbound leads.

I’ve only ran Facebook Ads to produce this volume… So now can you see what is really possible?

It’s worked in 37+ industries…

What I’ve shown you is just the tip of the iceberg…

I’ve run Ads for over 200 clients in 37+ industries… and I’ve used the EXACT 4-5 steps to help all of them generate massive revenue from Facebook Ads, that I’m going to show you.

When you look at the Ad accounts for all these clients I’ve produced results for… you’ll start to notice patterns, and you’ll see how this will easily work for you.

Here’s what I will show you in detail:

  • How to target wealthy people (without using interests)...

  • Why NOT to use interests in your targeting anymore...

  • How I EXPAND “wealthy” audiences to make campaigns last long...

  • A simple funnel that PRINTS quality sales meetings...

  • How to PROPERLY set up the Pixel & Conversions API...

  • Email & SMS Marketing secrets that result in 95% show up rates...

  • How to write a sales letter that makes millions of dollars in profit...

  • Sales Letter writing formula that attracts wealthy decision makers...

  • Advertising Copywriting formulas that EXCITE readers...

  • How to build a Winning Facebook Ads campaign structure...

  • How to segment your “winning audience” for maximum profits...

  • How to create the perfect Ad Sets Structure For maximum impact...

  • Systematic Budget allocation for High-Profit Campaigns...

  • The Theory of Lookalikes and How To Profit Big Using Them...

We cover ALL of this in our session, and I break down the fundamentals of each and every aspect of your campaign CUSTOMIZED for your business.

That’s not all…

  • I’ll share my screen and show you LIVE results from existing campaigns...

  • I’ll show you a FULL-BUILD Sales Funnel and how I built it step-by-step...

  • I’ll show you how to capture your prospects’ interest every step of the journey from Top-of-Funnel to Bottom-of-Funnel...

  • I’ll show you how to “HACK” the system and extrapolate data from FB so you can SCALE FAST...

  • I’ll show you backend Email & SMS automations & copywriting formulas that result in high conversion rates...

AND… you’ll get my Sales Script Playbook

You’ll get my 25 page PDF on HOW to conduct a sales call “step-by-step”:

  • Opening
  • Building Rapport
  • Gathering Intel & Ammo
  • Investigating obstacles
  • Digging Deep into emotional pain points
  • Pitching like a pro
  • Handling Objections
  • Closing the deal
  • Collecting payment

You’ll get my “word-for-word” sales scripts that we’ve used in 37+ industries to CLOSE $50M in deals in just 3 years… using this EXACT same Sales Script Playbook.

It’s worked in 37+ industries…

What I’ve shown you is just the tip of the iceberg…

I’ve run Ads for over 200 clients in 37+ industries… and I’ve used the EXACT 4-5 steps to help all of them generate massive revenue from Facebook Ads, that I’m going to show you.

When you look at the Ad accounts for all these clients I’ve produced results for… you’ll start to notice patterns, and you’ll see how this will easily work for you.

Here’s what I will show you in detail:

  • How to target wealthy people (without using interests)...

  • Why NOT to use interests in your targeting anymore...

  • How I EXPAND “wealthy” audiences to make campaigns last long...

  • A simple funnel that PRINTS quality sales meetings...

  • How to PROPERLY set up the Pixel & Conversions API...

  • Email & SMS Marketing secrets that result in 95% show up rates...

  • How to write a sales letter that makes millions of dollars in profit...

  • Sales Letter writing formula that attracts wealthy decision makers...

  • Advertising Copywriting formulas that EXCITE readers...

  • How to build a Winning Facebook Ads campaign structure...

  • How to segment your “winning audience” for maximum profits...

  • How to create the perfect Ad Sets Structure For maximum impact...

  • Systematic Budget allocation for High-Profit Campaigns...

  • The Theory of Lookalikes and How To Profit Big Using Them...

We cover ALL of this in our session, and I break down the fundamentals of each and every aspect of your campaign CUSTOMIZED for your business.

That’s not all…

  • I’ll share my screen and show you LIVE results from existing campaigns...

  • I’ll show you a FULL-BUILD Sales Funnel and how I built it step-by-step...

  • I’ll show you how to capture your prospects’ interest every step of the journey from Top-of-Funnel to Bottom-of-Funnel...

  • I’ll show you how to “HACK” the system and extrapolate data from FB so you can SCALE FAST....

  • I’ll show you backend Email & SMS automations & copywriting formulas that result in high conversion rates

AND… you’ll get my Sales Script Playbook

You’ll get my 25 page PDF on HOW to conduct a sales call “step-by-step”:

You’ll learn the exact sequence of the call to close deals and collect cash...


Building Rapport

Gathering Intel & Ammo

Investigating obstacles

Digging Deep into emotional pain points

Pitching like a pro

Handling Objections

Closing the deal

Collecting payment

You’ll get my “word-for-word” sales scripts that we’ve used in 37+ industries to CLOSE $50M in deals in just 3 years… using this EXACT same Sales Script Playbook.

Get Your 90-Minute Consulting Session With Me

Get Your 60-Minute Consulting Session With Me

Here’s how it works: You book your 90-minute consulting session with me and we will cover everything mentioned above.

AND everything will be CUSTOMIZED for your business:

  • We’ll break down your exact revenue goals & targets...

  • We’ll get laser sharp clarity on how many leads & appointments you need...

  • We’ll boil down the Ad economics to hit your target cost per lead & cost per acquisition...

  • We’ll reverse engineer the model economics to get you highly profitable from Day 1 of running Facebook Ads...

  • We’ll cover EXACTLY what kind of Ad creatives to make (so you get extremely low CPMs and HIGH CTRs)...

  • We’ll look at your existing funnel, ads, campaigns (if any) and breakdown why it’s not working...

  • And finally… I’ll personally hand you my 25-page “Sales Script Playbook”...

  • PLUS – You’ll get a recording of our session together so you can rewatch it as many times as you like...

AND – as a bonus, I’ll share with you a secret banned method on HOW to get your ads in front of ULTRA-WEALTHY people on FB

What this means is, you have 100% control over WHO is seeing your Ad

(This is a black hat method but the ROI is literally INSANE!!)

With this method you can choose EXACTLY which people will see your Ad. Isn’t that powerful??? (Yes it’s possible!)

… and it’s absolutely safe. So you don’t have to worry about getting your account banned.

This ALONE will give you a massive edge because literally NOBODY knows this stuff!

If all of this makes sense to you, go ahead and process the payment to speak with me…

... and I’ll catch you on Zoom (so you can see my face;)

It’s $999 for 90-minutes with me.

Copyright © 2023 Syncom Media LLC. All Rights Reserved.

This site is not a part of the Facebook™ website or Facebook™ Inc. Additionally, this site is NOT endorsed by Facebook™ in any way. FACEBOOK™ is a trademark of FACEBOOK™, Inc.

Copyright © 2023 Syncom Media LLC. All Rights Reserved.

This site is not a part of the Facebook™ website or Facebook™ Inc. Additionally, this site is NOT endorsed by Facebook™ in any way. FACEBOOK™ is a trademark of FACEBOOK™, Inc.

DISCLAIMER: The sales figures stated on this landing page are our personal sales figures and in some cases the sales figures of previous or existing clients. Please understand these results are not typical. We're not implying you'll duplicate them (or do anything for that matter). The average person who buys "how to" information gets little to no results. We're using these references for example purposes only. Your results will vary and depend on many factors including but not limited to your background, experience, and work ethic. All business entails risk as well as massive and consistent effort and action. If you're not willing to accept that, please DO NOT PURCHASE THIS PACKAGE.

Here’s how it works: You book your 60-minute consulting session with me and we will cover everything mentioned above.

AND everything will be CUSTOMIZED for your business:

  • We’ll break down your exact revenue goals & targets...

  • We’ll get laser sharp clarity on how many leads & appointments you need...

  • We’ll boil down the Ad economics to hit your target cost per lead & cost per acquisition...

  • We’ll reverse engineer the model economics to get you highly profitable from Day 1 of running Facebook Ads...

  • We’ll cover EXACTLY what kind of Ad creatives to make (so you get extremely low CPMs and HIGH CTRs)...

  • We’ll look at your existing funnel, ads, campaigns (if any) and breakdown why it’s not working...

  • And finally… I’ll personally hand you my 25-page “Sales Script Playbook”...

  • PLUS – You’ll get a recording of our session together so you can rewatch it as many times as you like.

AND – as a bonus, I’ll share with you a secret banned method on HOW to get your ads in front of ULTRA-WEALTHY people on FB

What this means is, you have 100% control over WHO is seeing your Ad

(This is a black hat method but the ROI is literally INSANE!!)

With this method you can choose EXACTLY which people will see your Ads... Isn’t that powerful??? (Yes... it’s possible!)

… and it’s absolutely safe. So you don’t have to worry about getting your account banned.

This ALONE will give you a massive edge because literally NOBODY knows this stuff!

If all of this makes sense to you, go ahead and process the payment to speak with me…

and I’ll catch you on Zoom (so you can see my face;)

It’s $999 for 60-minutes with me.

Copyright © 2023 Syncom Media LLC. All Rights Reserved.

This site is not a part of the Facebook™ website or Facebook™ Inc. Additionally, this site is NOT endorsed by Facebook™ in any way. FACEBOOK™ is a trademark of FACEBOOK™, Inc.